All week long on Facebook friends have been posting things for which they are thankful in honor of this week's holiday.
Sure, the "things" many have added to their statuses have rang true with me...their families they are honored with which to be a part, their children with which they are blessed, their amazing husbands that have added to the richness of their lives, their jobs that delight them...and, I would never disagree that I am incredibly thankful for each of these things as well.
I thought about posting the same cliche status, but I didn't do it.
It wasn't that I was not thankful for these things...It was just that I was feeling thankful in a different way and for different reasons than I knew how to express in a status update.
You see, this Thanksgiving, I found myself being thankful for things that many might not think I should be. I have come to find satisfaction, joy, peace and even great thanksgiving for "things" that have, for a long time, brought me strife, grief, worry, and sadness.
But, it is not that I am not being cliche myself...
Why? Because I have found that I am most thankful this thanksgiving for unanswered prayers, for lessons learned through adversity, and for little things that often go unnoticed.
Not quite the uplifting status update I was confident posting on Facebook. (Well, I never post any status updates on Facebook, but...)
Again, it is cliche, but I have been made fully aware in recent weeks just how great He is, how He does have a perfect plan for each of us, and how He truly knows best. (Pretty cliche, huh?) I know have said these things before, and while it is not that I have stopped believing them in recent months, but, sometimes one needs reminding...I guess that is why He plants those seemingly unpleasant things in our lives...
I am ever so thankful that He has reminded me to give thanks, and I am surely doing such this Thanksgiving.