Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lift Off!

All this week we have been at VBS...
When I recall my own childhood, I have vivid memories of VBS (specifically a GIANT paper globe we built one year). Nonetheless, I pray our children have the same learning experiences and opportunities to better know the Lord I did. As a parent I do not know when my children will truly come to accept the Lord as their savior, but I believe it is my job to continually present for them a clear road - with many opportunities along the way - where finding Him is the ultimate destination.
VBS is just one of those opportunities along the way...

Teach me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

Psalm 143:8b

The boys!
Ballerina and Gunnar
The 4 hamming it up before we left for the end-of-the-week ice cream celebration!
Gunnar signing spirit...
Cannon during the program
Cannon explained the verse for the day!
Praying hands

G was quite perplexed...I guess you get that way when you refuse to sit with your class and insist on sitting with the kindergartners which you FULLY believe you are a part!

Each other year since we have been involved with the church, VBS has occurred when we were back on or still on contract at our schools. However, this year Eric and I were both blessed to have the opportunity to serve the children. Above are a couple of the pictures of the storytelling...where I chose to serve. I wish I could have snapped some pics of Eric...he was doing the "PE" stuff! :) Fun!
Gunnar in story telling!
Ballerina eating ice creamElla and the stinkin' car! She is OBSESSED with it!The two that makes one... We are so blessed!


Natalie said...

Those pics are great! I too have vivid VBS memories!

Ours is in two weeks and my four year old niece will be attending for the first time.... She'll be able to start having her own VBS memories!

God is good and I know seeds have been planted in the lives of your kids this past week! I know you and Eric will help water those seeds over the years and I believe your kids will have hearts that are on fire for Him! :)

Ginger said...

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

You and Eric are WONDERFUL parents!