Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Yep, he said it!

G: "Mommy, come and get your girl..."
Me: "Why G..." (Thinking that he has probably given her a cup of chocolate milk again.)
G: "I am just tired of her always bulling me! It is hurting my feelings."
Interesting. She is 8 months old...He is 3.

As I am tucking G in bed...
"Man, James really needs to win POV...I am going to say a prayer..."
I did not even know what he was talking about. I had to as Eric.
Who knew he was into Big Brother?

As we are driving on our way home from school tonight...
G: "Mommy I want that favorite song..." And, then he starts to sing, "Uno mas ceversa por favor senorita." (My Spanish spell check is not working, so...)
He has been going to music classes, but I highly doubt he learned that there!
Cannon could not quit laughing! So, G kept singing!
I blame this on his father...What are the odds that he will sing this this weekend at church? If he does, I might be the one in need of one more!

We are on our way home Friday afternoon in the car.
G: "Man Mom, do you think you are a race car driver?...You got some get-up!"
I promise, I drive like I am 95! And, when he made this comment I was on the exit ramp of the bypass entering our neighborhood!

We were working the other day at the church getting ready for Big House, and G was acting horrible. At one point I had to run outside to the playground because I thought that he was "getting naked" to play in a pool! (He informed me that he was only going to get in his underwear!)
Me: "G, I am real disappointed in how you are acting. This is NOT how we act at home, and this is definitely not how we act at our church home."
G: "Can God see me?"
Me: "Of course, He sees you all of the time."
G: "Oh no, I am going to go to hell!"
I will keep working with him, but at least he knows he is making bad choices and there are greater consequences than me! Right?


Melissa Rabinowitz said...

ROTFL! I can picture him saying each of those phrases and it just made me laugh out loud to read them!

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Okay, you must have the best abs in town because I would be in stitches laughing all of the time! I love it when my blogging friends share what their kids and Kierstyn definitely have the BEST "kids say the darndest things" stories!