Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Details of the Christmas Story

This Sunday was our church's annual Christmas story set to music. Last year G LOVED the performance; however, perhaps because part of it was in Latin, last year he just did not walk away with the reminder of the story we hoped he would.

Of course, we always talk a great deal about the "real" Christmas story; however, this is the first year that I really think he doesn't just know the story...but rather he understands the story and the significance of the holy day.

Further, it did not surprise me at all that he was thrilled to go to the "concert" at church on Sunday to hear again the story of Christ's birth. He loves music, and a good story with music is even better in his world!

I know I said that I really believe G understand the reason for the season; however, I will admit that he had some incredible discoveries during the "concert" that could only have been made my an enthralled 4-year-old...

Below are his comments. Eric's and my reactions cannot be captured with words...there were none for some of his thoughts!

"Daddy, Jesus was real...and that is REAL FAKE!"

"Wow! Mary got skinny quicker after Jesus was born than you did after Ballerina Mommy!"

"They came from far away lands... To College Station? Why?"

"Jesus is a baby, a man, a God...he is so busy!"

"Why are the angels always girls? Boys are angels too!"

"I thought they had sheep...Where are the sheep?"

"That story-telling man sounds just like God."

"Joseph does not talk much..."

"There was only 1 drummer boy, right? Why are there 3 boys with drums? This is not a band!"

There are clearly some details of the Christmas story I have failed to teach my son. I truly thought he understood...oh, how wrong I have been! I must go...It is book time in our bedtime routine, and we are going to spend this time tonight addressing some of the finder details of the Christmas story not addressed in the book we have been reading each evening!

The story from a child's eyes...It is truly precious!


Lauren said...


Natalie said...

How precious! Don't ya know this put a smile on God's face! ;)

Thanks for sharing!