Each year we either have breakfast or dinner with Santa. It is assuredly a holiday tradition that the youngest children love...I say youngest because the oldest did say, "I do not care if we go or not really." :)
But, at the dinner with Santa we do some real important things...

Like make food for his reindeer that we put out on the lawn Christmas Eve...

Build snowmen from marshmellows and icing...

Get mad when Mommy will not let you drink hot chocolate from a real cup and insist on using a sippy...

Hear a story from Mrs. Claus...

Take pictures to appease your mother...but still refuse to put down your bag...

And, most importantly, you talk to Santa!

Now, it must be noted that G had to have a very serious conversation with Santa! (See his face for the seriousness!) Why? Well, last week when Daddy was putting the lights on the house, G choose not to heed the warnings he had been given, and decided to climb into the attic to have a look around. This made Daddy furious for many reasons...The two biggest being that it was clearly not safe AND the fact that G did not just look around...Oh, no, he also decided to bring all of Ballerina's Christmas from Mommy and Daddy down from the attic...and give it to her!
So, you see, Mommy, Daddy and G had to tear the new baby doll and all from Ballerina's clutch so that we would be able to take everything back to the store! As G said, "Ballerina's Christmas was ruined!"
G's only hope for saving himself and making Ballerina's Christmas better is Santa. He knew he had to beg for Santa's forgiveness for not following Mommy and Daddy's directions; however, he also knows that because Mommy and Daddy took all of Ballerina's toys back to the store that if Ballerina is to have a good Christmas, Santa must bring her all of those things she wants!
We will see...
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