We the spring soccer season with a soccer tournament at home! Yea! I know we were all geared up...and ready for the season to begin!

Sweet brothers...these two really like to be together!

Eric and I, however, are not so sure we are going to be so good at this soccer tournament stuff. We are great with all day SATURDAY; however, having your first game at 8 a.m. on a SUNDAY for a 10 year old...We just do not know that we agree that this this a good idea for kids. We had to do some real creative scheduling this Sunday to get our family to Sunday School/church (good thing the grandparents/aunt really helped out), and, yet, we were still not able to get Cannon there. Eric is a coach (Shoot, he has been a head varsity soccer coach!), and you know, we are ALL ABOUT sports; however, where is the line to be drawn? What message are we portraying to our children with our decisions? How do we best communicate the values we have worked to hard to establish in our house? What are priorities are we establishing? Even more, what does it say about the culture in which we live that this has become perfectly acceptable? If it is okay for our 10-year-old, would it be okay for our 8 or 4 year-old? At what age does it become appropriate? And, yet, we want to provide the very best opportunities for our children...athletic included...I think it just saddens us that this is a decision that has to be made, and no matter what we will be the bad guys for making it.

Until next weekend...
1 comment:
We're not there yet, not even close. But I don't like thinking about those big decisions.
I hope it all works out!!
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