Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Palm Sunday

We have had a rough couple of weeks in our house...There is always craziness at work this time of year (in the midst of TAKS), but to add to the craziness, we have all had bouts with sinus infections and strep throat. Then to top off the craziness, I learned last week that I have a pretty bad stomach ulcer...that is bleeding. :(

Of course, I felt bad, but this diagnosis frustrated me more than it caused me pain. (Not to mention that I was pretty ticked that the only symptom of the ulcer I did not have was the rapid, unexplained weight loss! My luck! I could use some rapid, unexplained weight loss more than the ridiculous stomach pain and annoying as all get out heartburn. ) I was frustrated that I had something that was slowing me down, cramping my fast-paced style and putting a halt to things I had previously been determined to do.

However, this past Sunday, Palm Sunday, as we walked into church this is what I saw...I stopped in my tracks, and an instant peace fell over me.

Once again, I had forgotten, and I needed Him to remind calm give me provide me with the strength I could muster from myself.

Purposefully, I lagged behind the family to soak it all in, to meditate and to give thanks.

I was then blessed with another shot in my arm when I walked inside.

This is what I saw...How could one not give thanks for this greatness? (Please ignore the fact that Gunnar looks slightly drunk.)

Palm Sunday is the beginning of the holiest of weeks. I always take time during this week for extra reflection and meditation on the greatest gifts He has given me and the tremendous sacrifices He made for us. Yet, He has spoken to me differently this a time when I needed Him to, and as I spend my extra time this great week, I will add this intervention to my list of great things He has done for me.

Oh, there was also an Easter Egg hunt at church this weekend...The older two were not so interested in hunting (a little too cool for egg hunting when there are friends around), but the younger two had a stellar time!


Datra said...


Carla said...

THIS is what I love, the fall, right back into His arms. Plus, the family looks absolutely adorable!