Today in the car she starts screaming muffled as if something is in her mouth, "Mommy, help me! Get it out! It is disgusting!"
Me: "Ballerina, what is it? I am driving, and I do not know what to do to help you."
Ballerina: "A booger Mommy...Get it out!"
I look in the rear view mirror to see her digging in her mouth with her entire hand and then wiping her tongue with her fingers.
I begin to giggle, but then I hear her breathe deeply and then say, "I got it Mommy! I got it!"
"You did, Ballerina? Now where is it?" Looking in the mirror once again..
"Right here...On my finger! I am going to save it to give to Daddy when we get home."
She has been singing her ABC's for several months; however, I have yet to be able to get her to sing them ALL the way through without skipping the same few letters...
Ballerina: "...Q R S W X Y and Z. Now I know my..."
Me: "Ballerina, you skipped some...It is Q R S T U V W X ..."
Cutting me off she says, "NO MOMMY! You are crazy! You need to learn your ABC's!"
In Target looking at the Halloween costumes...I say, "Oh, Ballerina isn't this a pretty dress?"
Ballerina: "No Mommy, I am pretty. That dress makes Ballerina pretty!"
Each night when I tuck her in bed I ask her who loves her. Normally she says Mommy, Daddy and her brothers. However, when I asked her the other night she says, "Uhhh, Uncle Brad."
I say, "Uncle Brad does love you! Who else loves Ballerina?" hoping to get to Mommy and Daddy...
"Uhhh, Maggie..." That's right...the dog!
The other night Eric and I tucked the kids in bed and then were watching the news, looking at the computer and taking showers...Ballerina was supposed to be asleep; however, I heard some noise from her bedroom and went in to check out the situation. She was laying her her bed, but when I leaned over her she asked, "Mommy, can I have a peanut butter sandwich?"
"No!" I said. "It is time to be asleep. We have school tomorrow."
"Okay Mommy..."
So, I go back to my room and continue about my business of taking a shower. Just before I get in bed I always go to each of their rooms and give each of them one final kiss before I head to sleep. I was shocked by two things when I leaned over Ballerina: 1. She was still awake and 2. she smelled like peanut butter.
Suspecting she had done something, I went to inspect the kitchen, and in the pantry I discovered the peanut butter open on the floor, a spoon with peanut butter remnants and an open loaf of bread now being consumed by the dog.
Yep, she had helped herself!
Ballerina was annoyed that G was not letting her watch "her favorite" television show, so like usual, she comes to find me to tattle.
"Miss Mommy! Miss Mommy! G will not let me watch t.v.!"
I reply, "I am so sorry, Ballerina, but he is watching the t.v. right now, so you are going to have to be patient with him and wait until it is your turn. Why don't you watch your movie in Mommy and Daddy's room?"
"No Miss Mommy! I want to watch in the playroom...I am going to go tackle him!"
Before I could tell her that is a bad idea, she had run into the playroom and tackled him! The funniest part...She was wearing nothing but those plastic pink high heels, a tutu and a halo! Ha!
Until she speaks again!

This post needs the naked Raggedy Anne photo that I am emailing you right now.
I'm laughing that she's calling you Miss Mommy! It's like you can't get away from school even when you're at home! HA!
One more thing...may I ask where you bought your barstools and sofa? They would go so well in our house and we are in the market!
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