I am naive.
I thought that these January weekends would be low key. I assumed that the weekends in January would be lazy. I had predicted that January would be the month I would catch up on all those things I never got around to doing during the wildness of the holidays. I figured without soccer games, basketball practice, and crazy school stuff that we would slow down.
Oh, but how wrong I have been...
I do not know why I thought these things! When will I learn? Life is never what you predict!
It is not that our January has been bad...but it has not been a walk in the park either. Things have been hoppin' at work, grad school is back in full swing, and while the kids schedules have not included the normal things, they have been super busy!
Yet, we had to stop for a while...to enjoy time with friends...to take a walk in the park...
So, we tried to beat the cold and literally headed to the park for the afternoon!
Of course they played with sticks.
I did have one freak out moment in the midst of our relaxation...For a BRIEF moment I feared that I had broken the flash on my camera! Never fear, however...I took it to the bathroom for a few photographs just to make sure things were still in order. And, as you can see, all is well with my camera and my flash (well, besides the fact that I really want a new one, but that is an entirely different story!)
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