Friday, August 20, 2010


So, I bombed.

I keep promising that I am going to keep up better with the blog, but then I never really do.

I have bombed.

But, we did spend the evening at a Bombers game towards the end of summer! We had a great time with some good friends.
Well, Cannon was sort of bored...Well, a little "grumpy" might be a better description...Why? Can you see what Gunnar did?Yep, he caught a foul ball.
And, he was super stoked that he did and his brothers did not.
But, when G caught one too, Gunnar was just as excited for him as he had been for himself! (What a good big brother!)This, however, did not make things any better for the oldest. It sucks when your two little brothers luck into things and you do not...And, I do not even want to get started on what happened when the two younger boys got their foul balls signed by Dat! Ballerina loved the game, but we told her that there would be some of these...
...when we were in the car on the way there, and I think she asked us 500 times during the game when they were going to start! Why do we do things like that to ourselves?

Oh, and I am going to quit making promises. Do not expect updates...this way I will not bomb again!

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