G and Ballerina love choir...Well, G loves to perform and Ballerina loves to sing. So, when it is time for the children choirs to sing at church, both my children and myself are delighted. I mean, who doesn't love to hear children sing about their love for the Lord?

Ballerina sang first...Well, she stood there first. She sings the songs OVER and OVER in the car, in the bed when she is supposed to be sleeping, in the bathtub...but NEVER when she is on the stage.

Then G's group sang.
G does not have the "standing there" issues Ballerina has. He is the opposite. You can hear him clear across the church!

He was hidden behind the pulpit when he was singing, but I thought this was the sweetest view...his boots...

And after they sang, they saw the "puppets" again! They always love them! (I think it is funny that it looks as if there is no one sitting on the entire left side of church! ha!)

After they sang...

Before the service, we had a while to wait...so G and Daddy played their favorite game on the bulletin.

I do not really get the game, so I choose never to participate.

G was so proud that he was able to beat Daddy!

And, Ballerina was MAD that Mommy wanted wanted to take her picture. Odd huh? She is usually a fan of posing! So, I took her picture anyway...Just to spite her. :)
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