Thursday, October 06, 2011

Friday Night Lights?

So, maybe it is not Friday. It is Tuesdays and/or Thursdays, but whatever...

So, maybe the lights are not as big or as bright, but that does not matter either.

But, for our boys it still feels the same, and that IS what matters!

Cannon is now playing middle school football and Gunnar and G are playing flag football.

Yes, what this means my friends is that if you count Daddy's games and the times I am on duty, we sometimes have 10 football games a week!

That is a LOT of football that does not include high school, college or pro! :)

This past week Gunnar and G had their first games that the little flower and I were able to attend.This kid and his brothers REALLY like football!See? All smiles!

And I love when my children will pose for me when I ask the to!I really love that the family of this little boy come to support my children...And that this little one always smiles for me. :)Oh, and I REALLY love that this little flower is less than two weeks old and already been to so many football games!

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