Of course I am a little partial; however, I do believe Ella was probably the most beautiful baby Jesus!

I love Walk Thru Bethlehem...The essence of Christmas is often lost in the hustle and commercialism of the holiday season, and having this extraordinary event is a real reminder of the "reason for the season." I personally love the teaching aspect...What better way to explain to children the magical story of the birth of Christ than to have them experience it? They were able to make brooms, be harassed by the tax collector, see a camel, make clay pots, learn of the spices used in the day...and most importantly, see baby Jesus in a humble manger in a stable just outside of town.
The greatest story every told comes to life! And, there is nothing like seeing that in the eyes of a child!

If I had known the "Shepard's" could have come to visit. Haha Thanks for the reminder of what the reason of the season.
Taylor - you guys made to best holy family - I love you because you are real. Life doesn't always look like we want it to, but through Jesus we are saved and forgiven! What a blessing!
I love you TC, Lisa:)
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