So often when I talk about change, I speak to how quickly my little ones seem to be growing. And while I know the former is so true, I was reminded this weekend just how much things have changed in MY world in five short years.
At a ranch not too far away we celebrated precious Molly's, the daughter of a friend of mine from college, 3rd birthday, and a few of my dear sorority sisters were there. These are the women that if there was anything incriminating that I did in college...they would know all about it! They knew me before I was the me that I am now...the former me that was a little less inhibited, far more outgoing, determined to change the world, hungry to be on my own, and full of dreams for myself.
How things have changed...
One would never catch me now dancing in any public forum, leading an impromptu yell practice on Northgate, alcohol consumption is a complete waste of money, and I am far too embarrassed to chase my dog down the street much less some random guy we think might be interesting! I am also well aware that I cannot change the entire world, I know being on my own stinks, and my dreams for my children are far greater than my own.
Yet, being around my dear friends from college always reminds me of those days gone by and the way things used to be...And while I do not long for those days to return, the memories are so sweet.
In fact, the here and now is pretty awesome! Look at us now! Who would have thought just a few short years ago that we would have husbands, kids, grown-up jobs...

Ladies, I miss you guys...and I pray each day for each you and for your new lives, and may our friendships forever be dear.

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