Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Things he says...

Tonight as Eric and I are discussing what we are going to make for dinner in the car G says, "Why do you always talk about food? Let's just eat Subway."

I respond, "We are not going to Subway right now. I ate there for lunch today. Mommy wants something different. Remember, you are not the boss!" (He thinks he knows everything and is the boss of all we do in this house!)

"Ewwww. Actually, you make me smokin' hot!"

Actually, I think I need to show the 3 year old about "smokin' hot!" (Who says "actually" anyway?)
Later this evening there were 10 adults standing on our driveway we do many night of the week. G come up to me and I think he says, "Mommy, can I please take a peek around your car?"

I say, "Next time let's not interrupt the adults when they are talking, but sure ,you can get what you need from the car."

He does look at me like I am crazy, but then again, he does that frequently...

He walks over to the car, pulls down his pants and begins peeing and walking...creating a circle of urine around my vehicle. (a SUV mind you...)

Again, what does a mother say in front of her 10 neighbors? Clearly he said "take a pee" not "take a peek."

Oh, G.
This morning we all at breakfast at the table together! It is sad, but this does not happen often in our world...especially during the school year, so it was pretty new adventure...However, each evening we DO eat together, and we ALWAYS say the "blessing" to thank the Lord for our food.

I guess we were confused about the gathering to eat breakfast...

G says, "Okay, we are not going to say a blessing. I can eat, right?"

Daddy says, "No, G, we are going to say the blessing. You should always be thankful..."

He is cut off..."Daddy, no! We cannot say it now! We just woke up, we have not done anything wrong? We will talk to Jesus later when I need some help!" As he begins to cry...

Yes, he has been missing the point of the blessing. However, I am crying out to Jesus now! I need help! Lord, help me with him! :)

1 comment:

Kierstyn said...

LOL about peeing around the car!! So funny!