Thursday, October 23, 2008

Some Moments with G

Last week at Wal-Mart at 6:45 a.m.: As a part of our morning routine we get dressed at Eric's school, and it was then (a little after 6) that we discover that we must have dropped G's underwear and socks on our way out of the house. This is our second trip to Wal-Mart of the morning, so I am in fine mood...the first time we realize that Eric and I had switched backpacks and I was missing my wallet. I put G in the basket and turned around to unbuckle Ballerina. While I am messing with her seat belt he announces to the entire parking lot that he needs to "go pee!" I do not acknowledge his request and continue to unbuckle Ballerina. You can imagine my surprise when I turn around to see him on his tip toes, pants at his bare feet peeing out the back of the cart!

Tuesday: Ballerina and Gunnar really like it when I make peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Knowing their popularity and how much G likes both peanut butter and banana I assume that he too will like the sandwich! Fair assumption? When I pick him up from school he goes to put his lunchbox in the back of the car and as he throws it in he says, "Wow Mom! That sandwich you made today was HORRIBLE!" I giggle and say sorry. With the look that I am an idiot..."Let me just tell you...bananas do not belong on bread!"

Tonight: He is in the middle of telling a second lie about Eric's wallet..."Well, before I talk, can you tell me if you REALLY get those bumps in your mouth if you lie?"


Kierstyn said...

LOL! Well, at least he took care of the stiuation.

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Seriously, those are hilarious! Can you ship him to me a few days of the year so I can just laugh all day? I can't wait for you to tell those stories to him when he's in high school, in front of all his friends and his girlfriend...especially the peeing one! Classic!