Me and school fundraisers do not really get along. I see the purpose in them, and I generally support them (because I know they fund things for the kids); however, I am annoyed to the nth by them! Selling cookie dough, wrapping paper, etc. is for the birds. More often than not, I would rather just pay an extra $100 a year to support the cause.
With that being said, the Fall Festval at the kids' elementary school does not get on my last nerve. I know...I am surprised too! I appreciate that it is the one fundraiser they really do, and it excites me that I rarely have to give above and beyond this event.
More, it is one day - one afternoon really - where my kids have a good time. So, can I complain? Nope.
See? Such fun! And, G is a wild man at baseball. |
However, Ballerina gave him a run for his money! |
And, this was just funny! |
Ballerina thought she was pretty cool. I mean, this was HER festival and all now that she is in kindergarten! I would have hated to forget that!

This is a festival face if I have ever seen one!
Yet, one of the best things about the festival had nothing to do with the event itself! It was this diva...
She is just beginning to really walk this week, so she thinks she is oober cool!
This picture totally makes me laugh! G is totally NOT into taking the picture, but Allyse was making sure he was participating. Ha!
Okay. I am getting frustrated with the pictures not centering. Boo. Uhh! More in a while...