After our parental snafu with baseball week before last, we were determined not to have a repeat with soccer! I do not think that I could bear the disappointment from a 3-year-old again!
Thus, it is with great excitement that we report that the first day of soccer for G went off without a hitch!
G and Daddy has a blast learning some of the fundamentals of soccer! I was apprehensive about beginning our adventures in sports with G...We have known since he was just months old about his obsessions with balls and have appreciated his understanding of the games; however, we worried that his bossiness would outweigh his love. Yet, we could not have been more wrong! True, he is amazingly determined, but what impressed us the most about his participation in the soccer and baseball clinics is his patience and desire to learn! At home what Eric and I say goes on deaf ears; yet, any word Daddy spoke at soccer was golden.
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